Wednesday, July 22, 2009


MOMMY! Mom where are you? MOM!!!! Ok - this may not be the best bit of chaos to start out this blog, but, can a mom just go to the bathroom? Anyone have this perilious, pesky problem? It is bad enough that I have to make a reservation to even get to the bathroom throughout the day, but to finally sit my bottom down and release a half day's worth of held liquid is sheer bliss. I though it was going to be sheer bliss. Oh- well, let's just hold the pee until we can figure out what the MOM!!!! is all about. Oh-my goodness there is a bug on the window. Call the fire-department, no, call the "there is a bug on the window patrol" they aren't to busy today:)

The shining moment of the day, is that I did get to go to the bathroom, as the dreaded bug on the window felt a twinge of sadness that the mommy was doing the famous pee dance. Thank you beautiful bug!! Chaos and Whimsy with a touch of BUG:)

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